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// editor's note
Just a bit over half the year is past now! So it seems like this is a good time to take stock of where we are and what we are doing.
If you remember, the three keywords in our CAMY vision are intimacy, intentionality, and infectiousness. Have you been pursuing these three directions in your worship – both personal and corporate? Which do you need to work on more?
How has your growth been as a keyboardist? A worshipper? A child of God?
When's the last time you worshipped God for who He is?
Maybe it's a good time to return to the heart of worship. The second trimester is focussed on being intentional, and this has to do with the attitude with which we approach worship. The tough questions I posed are also very real and very important, because if we lose sight of the purpose of our worship, then it's just meaningless singing and clapping – and you don't need a Saviour for that. So I hope you'll join me in my struggle to worship God just because He is God, and for no other reason.
– alvin(:
// reading list
What happens when we don't feel like worshipping? Perhaps we are dry, or we are tired, or angry, sad, shameful, or hurt. What then? These three articles discuss this question from both personal and scriptural perspectives, and might serve as a form of encouragement for us: for those of us who are down and out, they offer hope and strength to lift our eyes again; and for the rest of us, they remind us that God will always be here through any and every season.
// hands on
Dirty Loops – Wake Me Up
I was introduced to this incredible band by Sis Sam (thanks!) and honestly, just listen to this. It will melt your brain. I really like the fact that they are visibly enjoying their playing too – they're always smiling at each other, and they look completely comfortable with their instruments – and perhaps this is a level of proficiency we might like to achieve too. Do listen with headphones! (Click on the image to view.)
// now playing
Homemade Worship by Handmade People
Rend Collective – Build Your Kingdom Here
If you're looking for a hipster Christian folk rock band, this is it. And if you didn't know such things existed, this is still it. Rend Collective cleverly combines the authenticity of folk and the energy of rock with rich and meaningful lyrics, giving a sound that really entices listeners to sing along. "Build Your Kingdom Here" is a prayer that God's will be done, and I don't know about you but I feel like dancing whenever I hear it. Oh, and if you were interested, that weird looking instrument is called a stump fiddle.
Also by Rend Collective: Second Chance, Desert Soul
Lights of Day – Heaven Come
Lights of Day is the moniker of Chris Lawson, motivated by Phil 2:15b: "Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky." "Heaven Come", off his eponymous debut album, is also a proclamation that God's will be done, but its sound is entirely opposite that of Rend Collective's; it is an upbeat electropop track replete with fantastic synths. In Lawson's own words, "While the sounds may be tailored for a dance club, the words are tailored for a heart of praise." (P.S.: You can download some of his songs for free here!)
Lights of Day
Half the year has gone, and that also means there's only half the year left (eek!). So do make the most of your time! I can guarantee that the next 5-ish months will disappear in the blink of an eye(:
Over and out!
EUPHOR!A // ISSUE 04 // JUL–AUG 2015