Greetings from England!
It has been a whirlwind of a time for me trying to settle into a new place, a new community, a new time zone, and a new pace of life. But as much as this change might be a major one for me, in the grand scheme of life it is really just yet another change. The old adage that change is the only constant certainly rings true.
Change is perhaps also the hallmark of our era. In the Information Age, the rapidisation of knowledge transfer has accelerated change in many dimensions for us – fashion, music, society, technology, and even the frontiers of science change so quickly that it is difficult to say whether or not something considered to be true now will still hold true a year, a month, or even a week from now.
As Christians, how do we face such a constantly changing world? Without an anchor to ground ourselves, we would quickly be swept along with the tide of change.
Ps 136 sheds some insight on this. The first verse reads: "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever." Look at the second part of that verse carefully – the psalmist uses three words ("steadfast", "endures", and "forever") to connote the everlasting nature of God's love. If there is anything we can count on to be faithful forever, this surely is it. Indeed, the psalmist further emphasises this by repeating this refrain every single verse of the psalm. What a significance it must have held for him!
What significance does it have for us? As we live our lives from change to change, do we look to that which is steadfast, enduring, and everlasting as our anchor? As I finally settle into my new environment, I hope that we all settle into this environment of God's love as well.
– alvin(: