You must be wondering why you're receiving an email with a brightly coloured header. Well, wonder no further: this is the first in a series of bimonthly newsletters entitled Euphor!a – a newsletter about worship and music and everything in between.
Euphoria, as defined in the header, is a feeling of great happiness and excitement – a sensation of joy. It's the spirit that we should have when we worship. Psalm 100:1–2 says "Shout joyfully to the Lord, all the earth. Serve the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful singing." We sing and we serve with elation and happiness, because we understand that it is a privilege to serve our God and we want to ascribe to Him the utmost worth. It is my hope that we continually experience the joy of serving, and we never lose sight of why we worship in the first place.
This newsletter is essentially an eclectic collection of things that I have found interesting or beneficial or both. I hope that you will find them just as fascinating, and perhaps use them as a springboard for creativity, excellence, and growth. Enjoy!
– alvin(: